An online poll of 523 residents across North Down has shown that 38% of the population are relying on others to get them to the hospital.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“It is truly quite staggering that 38% of the population cant get to the Ulster Hospital AE without help from other sources. The online poll that was done on the Save the Minor Injury FB page was large and substantial and represents a huge view on how people would access the Ulster Hospital. 62% of the population use their own car which is good in terms of being able to get to the Ulster Hospital but also makes a mockery of governments targets to reduce Carbon emissions. 11% relied on getting the bus but with only four direct bus times to get to the Ulster from Bangor and only covers during the day it is clear public transport is not a reliable way for people to access a service at the Ulster Hospital. A staggering 20% of the population are reliant on a third party giving them a lift. Also 4 % of the population were reliant on a Taxi taking them there and back which is an absolute fortune and if someone is on a low income will create financial hardship. Others were reliant on Ambulance cover and most worrying was 1% could not even get to the Ulster Hospital which is just putting peoples health and safety at risk. I am calling on the SE Trust not to go ahead with the closure of the Minor Injury Units because it is just causing a transport nightmare for the people of Ards and North Down.
Online poll of 523 residents, question asked below
We are asking for you to take part in this survey to establish what mode of transport you have to use get to the Ulster Hospital to either visit, have a Hospital appointment or a visit to the Accident and Emergency unit.
A) Car 62%
B) Bus 11%
C) A lift 20%
E) No way of getting 1%
F) Taxi 4%
G) None Emergency Ambulance 1%
H) Emergency Ambulance 1%