Alex Easton MLA is deeply worried as anti-social behaviour around Linear Park takes a sinister twist.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“I am becoming increasingly worried about the level of anti-social behaviour that is occurring within Linear Park and around the Ashbury Shops. I am particularly worried about the sinister development of youths setting fire to resident’s hedges which has seen the Fire Service having to be called.”
“What is making this so sinister twist is the fact that these fires which are started along resident’s hedges can spread to oil tanks, and if they are set on fire would see an explosion which has the potential to destroy people’s homes and even worse kill someone. What may seem a laugh at the time to those silly immature individuals could turn into a murder inquiry as it only takes one incident for things to go wrong. The current level of Anti-Social behaviour needs to be tackled as it is getting out of hand and those responsible to be caught and dealt with by the Police and the Courts in the strongest possible way. As someone who has experiences anti-social behaviour I fully understand the mental torture that you have to suffer day in and day out until at such times the issues finally gets resolved. Enough is Enough Council the PSNI and the owners of the Ashbury Shops need to take measures to deal with this scourge.”