Alex Easton MLA has reacted to a letter from the DFI Roads which he had written having reported over a dozen potholes and also asking for an update on the plans to resurface Moss Road.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“This is some news for the residents of the Moss Road and Millisle, who have had to endure a substandard road for years with patches and pot holes which have made the area look very poor and made driving the Moss Road very difficult. I am glad that someone came out to see the locations of the pot holes and these are to now be repaired. I understand from further discussions with the Department of Infrastructure hopefully the Moss Road will be included in a future work programmed as soon as possible and I see that some stabilization works need to be done before that happens. I look forward to seeing the work being hopefully started, but for the Department to say it considers the Moss Road to be in a safe condition is not what I see or the residents of Millisle see, and the sooner works can be started the better as far as I am concerned.”