Alex Easton MLA is deeply alarmed at the condition of the Minor Injury’s Unit at Newtownards Hospital.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA.

“I am deeply alarmed after it was brought to my attention about the condition of the outside of the Newtownards minor Injury Unit. Having visited the hospital I was shocked by the condition of the exterior with rotten panelling and paint peeling off across the entire Minor Injury building”

“It is totally unacceptable that the Minor Injury Unit has not been maintained properly by the SE Trust and questions need to be asked why this sis clearly the case, this building is particularly important as it helps to take the load of the Accident and emergency Unit at the ulster Hospital and due to the nature of its construction needs to be maintain at a high standard”

“I am today calling on the South eastern trust to immediately look at the fabric of the Minor Injury Unit at Ards Hospital with an urgent need to carry pout works to the building including replacing any rotten materials and painted as a priority”
