Alex Easton MLA has today claimed that the destruction of a Banner promoting people to register to vote was an attack on Democracy.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“I am totally disgusted by those involved in the deliberate destruction of a banner set up outside Kilcooley to promote people to register to vote was vandalised and destroyed. There is a big push to try and encourage people onto the electoral register and these Banners cost £120 to buy and make it is therefore really annoying to see the attempts by United Unionists who only want to ensure and encourage everyone to get onto the elector register to ensure everyone has the right to vote and to ensure that if a Border Poll is every called that there is the maximum Pro Union vote ensured to preserve the Union. Those involved in destroying this banner should hang their heads in shame, and the matter will be reported to the PSNI as a hate crime and an attack on the democratic process.”
