Alex Easton MLA has today called on the Minister for DEL to do more to get young people back into work.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“Having seen the fingers from an Written NI Assembly Question on how many young people are currently out of work in the North Down area and also looked at the training provision provided by Del such as Training for Success which guarantees the offer of training to all unemployed 16 to 17 year olds and can be availed through SERC, there is also Steps to Work which is aimed to assist young people who are unemployed which is aimed to assist people find employment and also the Youth Employment Scheme (yes) which is a voluntary scheme which is designed to help young people from the age of 18 to 24 to develop their skills needed to gain employment.”
“With so many young people unemployed I think we need to look at the areas were most of these young people come from and reason out why these areas have so many young people unemployed, if we examine carefully I believe that the working class community has the highest range and with his in mind I believe that the DEL Minister and his department need to look at how they can reach out to this sector and bring education and training out into the working class and PUL Community. I am today calling on the Minister for DEL to target the PUL community and get our Training and Education sector to go out into the working Class and PUL community to target our young people and help bring jobs through job training and education opertunitys.”