Alex Easton MLA was delighted that the Council are to do a clean-up of Council owned infrastructure at Ballyholme Esplanade and Beach area.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“This has come on the back of a joint Notice of Motion that I submitted with Councillor Peter Martin and was discussed at the Technical and Amenities Committee at a Council meeting held on the 3rd September.

“That this Council requests officers to bring back a report on the state of Ballyholme Beach and Council owned infrastructure along the pathway from Seacliff Road to Banks Lane with the view to making the area more attractive to residents and visiting tourists.”

“In the report the Council have taken on board the comments that the steps down to the walk way from Ballyholme Esplanade were in need of urgent repair, and there will also be installed new hand rails for the streps, there will be resurfacing of part of the pathway from 83 to 91 Ballyholme Road. And benches will be repaired and graffiti removed, the work is scheduled to start during the Easter period 2014.”


Alex Easton MLA