Alex Easton MLA has questioned the rational for Abbey Street and Main Street having all their lines refreshed when the rest of North Downs road are coming down with Pot Holes.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“This may look pretty that the Department of Infrastructure has refreshed all the road marking signs but did it really need done? What are the priority’s North Down is coming down with pot holes and an every growing list of streets needing resurfaced, surely pot holes and resurfacing trumps road marking resurfacing in the center of Bangor especially as it didn’t need done and I really have to question why double yellow lines have been put down the right hand side of Abbey Streets when everyone know not to park there its common sense. Really I think this money could have repaired many pot holes in North Down and I have to say this is a waste of resources in my opinion at this moment in time there are much more important issues for our roads.”
