Alex Easton MLA has today accused the SE Trust excuses not to personally accept the petition to oppose the closure of the Ards and Bangor Minor Injury as lame and playing for time.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“It is rather disappointing and indeed not very encouraging for future working relationships together that the Chief Executive of the SE Trust wont personnel accept the handover of the petition to oppose the closure of the Ards and Bangor Minor Injury Unit sighting Purdah as the reason for not being able to do so. When you look up the guide lines Purdah actually states that Ni Civil Servant can’t make a decision that will influence voters. As I am not running in an election for local council that means that there is no reason for the Chief Executive of the SE Trust not to personally accept the petition of thousands of local residents. So I can only conclude that this is a lame excuse and that the SE Trust is playing for time on this issue. The facts remains the SE Trust does not have the support of the local community to close the Ards And Bangor Minor Injury units, and that the petition and polling and I believe the consultation will demonstrate this. So I am today calling on the SE trust Chief Executive to set a time as soon as is convenient for the handover of the petition to oppose the closure of the Ards and Bangor Minor Injury Units, as leaving it at reception does not really cut the mustard and is an insult to me and the thousands of local people who have signed the petition!.”
