Alex Easton MLA has called the Electoral event held at the Kilcooley Community centre a Success with 132 people turning up to register to vote.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“I have to say how pleased I am at the success of the Electoral registration event held at the Kilcooley Community Centre held last Thursday evening. For 132 people to come out of their way to turn up and register and get their photographic ID taken is a huge success. I would praise the Kilcooley Community Forum, and the Kilcooley Community Action Group who were supportive of the project and helped attract the numbers.”
“I am now confident that this type of event can be replicated in other areas of North Down and will be looking to hold one on Donaghadee and Holywood in the near future to give people the opportunity to have their say in the future of their local politics.”