Alex Easton MLA calls on DFI to tackle the on-going weed growth problem on road leading to Redburn Cemetery, Holywood, after an inter-agency walk about in Redburn.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

When you find a public path hidden by weed growth then you recognize there is a serious issue of weed growth on the footpaths in the area, what is more alarming it has happened on the newly discovered footpath on the road leading up to Redburn cemetery, Holywood.”

If you like me and are concerned at the lack of weed spraying being carried out by DFI then one weed spray during the summer is not enough, and action needs to be taken by DFI.”

The shocking thing was that we actually found a whole footpath alongside a main road that has been completely hidden with weed and growth growth, you just would not know it was even there that is how bad it is. I do hope DFI will take this issue seriously as we can have pensioners or anyone else slipping on the footpath and take action to remove this and make the path visible, and hopefully ensure this path is not allowed to get into this state again.”
