Alex Easton MLA is appalled to learn that a young lady was sexually assaulted on Friday evening in Bangor.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“This is truly an appalling crime, for anyone to put a vulnerable young woman though this ordeal are just sick individuals. To sexual assault a young lady by luring them into a car, and by pretending to take them home under the pretence of a safe lift, is just a sick thing to do.”
“I know that there is CCTV coverage in High Street in Bangor, so I am hoping that the individuals in the car can be identified and caught by the PSNI and brought before the courts. This type of incident makes me very angry and is not what we want to see happening in our society. I would urge all women to travel together when going home and not to take lifts from strangers. I would also call for anyone who might have information on the car or individuals described in the incident, to bring it to the PSNI so that those involved can’t do this again. My sympathy’s and thoughts go out to the woman involved.”