I am deeply concerned to see that figures released under an NI Assembly question show from a previous question that the number of new social houses being provided was 30 for the last financial year in 2023 some of which were replacements for other social housing. There is a huge issue with homelessness across North Down with the last figures of those presenting to the Housing Executive for the North Down & Ards area for 2024 standing at an incredible 689 people. This is a startling and worrying figure that we have for the Ards and North Down area.”
“It is quite clear that we do not have enough social housing in place to deal with the number of people that are currently registered as homeless, and the only sure way to tackle this issue is to build more social housing through Housing Associations. The New Community’s Minister has to take this matter seriously and she needs to present concerted plans and in place plans to build new social housing across North Down and also look at bringing derelict housing back into stock as it is quite clear there are just not enough homes being built”.
“I intend to pursue the Community’s Minister to reveal a plan and a plan that delivers that it is not just a report and it is not just a target exercise, we need an actual detailed plan with hard cash to pay for new Social Housing, time for the Community’s Minister to step up to the mark, and I have submitted a further NI Assembly question to the Community Minister to ask how he plans to address this.”