Alex Easton MLA has welcomed the news from a letter he received from Transport NI that there is to be two pedestrian crossings to be built on the Clandeboye Road.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

Alex Easton MLA has today welcomed the news that there are to be two new pedestrian crossings to put in place at Clandeyboye primary School and St Malachy s primary School. I understand the work is to start at the end of March this year. This is to be welcomed as we now have a new play park and Muga pitch situated along the Clandeboye Road and with two primary schools along the road then there is an imperative for Transport NI to ensure the safety of the large volume of children and residents that cross the Clandeboye Road on a daily basis. This is good news for the residents of Clandeboye and I would thank Councillor Marion Smyth and the Clandeboye Village Association for also campaigning on this issue.
