Alex Easton MLA has welcomed the launch of the Kilcooley Health Action Plan by the Health Minister Edwin Poots.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“ I am delighted to be at the launch of the Kilcooley Health Action Plan and to have played a small roll in securing the funding from the Public Health Agency and arranging for the Health minister to come down to Kilcooley. This Action plan has been worked on in partnership with The Kilcooley Women’s Centre,Kilcooley Community Forum, SE Trust and Public Health Agency, and has identified the area that need help to improve the lives of residents in the Kilcooley area but also wider afield.”
“The main areas identified that we need to try and make a difference to people lives are Mental Health, Alcohol and substance abuse, Heart disease, Lack of Health provision, high blood pressure, aging problems, cancer, teenage pregnacy, diabetes and Suicide. These key areas have now been identified as the top ten health priorities for us as a partnership to try and improve the health of the residents.”
“The next stage after identifying the key issues is for the implementation of the Key Action Plan which will hopefully see people developing skills and attitudes to make healthier choices, promote mental health and emotional wellbeing, and better access to health services. I would hope that with the launch of the Health Action Plan we will see over the coming years a healthier and happier population and I would be hopefully that we can reduce illness and improve peoples lives within the Key 10 areas! I would also hope we can role this Health Action Plan out to other areas of Northern Ireland as a model for improving our populations Health.”