Alex Easton MLA has welcomed news from the DSD Minister to an NI Assembly written question he has submitted on a time table for work to start on the small town public realms scheme in Donaghadee.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“It is important that we try to get the actual work on the ground started as quickly as possible, and that we work with local businesses within Donaghadee so that they are fully aware of the timetable of when work will start on the ground. It is vitally important that the work is done in such away, as not to affect business and is done to the best possible standard in the quickest time scale as possible. The public realms work will not only make Donaghadee even more attractive as a visitor and tourist destination, but it will hopefully also attract more business to the town and help the local economy. I welcome the DSD Ministers start date of 2014.”
Alex Easton MLA
See below question
To ask the Minister for Social Development what is the schedule for works to start on the small town public realm project for Donaghadee.
My Department is working with Ards Borough Council on a major £2.5 million public realm scheme for Donaghadee. Council appointed an Integrated Consultancy Team to develop the concept design and complete an economic appraisal. The Economic Appraisal for the scheme was received by the Department on 4th October 2013 for consideration and subject to funding being available and all necessary approvals the scheme should commence in 2014. A more definite timeline for the schedule of works cannot be confirmed until all the necessary approvals are in place.