Alex Easton MLA is shocked to discover that there have been 13 reported pollution incidents reported over the last three year period for Ward Park..

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

It is truly worrying that when we should be doing all we can to keep Ward Parks ponds free from pollution that we see 13 incidents over the last three years in Ward Park, were incidents of pollution from sewage, oil, Suspended Solids and Agriculture substances are being put into our rivers. This is not acceptable as they are a danger to our already struggling wildlife but also a danger to the general population who enjoy visiting the park.”

I believe that there needs to be a campaign to explains what constitutes pollution and that awareness of the cause of this and their consequences can be to our wildlife and human consumption if these leak into our water courses and fine their way into our lakes and ponds and even our drinking water. It is also time to have those who deliberately put pollutants into our rivers publicly named and that there are harsher penalties and fines for those caught polluting our lakes, ponds and rivers.”
