Alex Easton MLA has today praised the response of the PSNI, TNI, RNLI, Council and other services to the response to the recent storm in North Down.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said.
“I would praise the efforts of the PSNI, TNI, RNLI and Council for their efforts to keep people safe across North Down. I knew the efforts and extreme difficulty they had to face and went to that ensured that we were all safe. As a one points I was aware of several trees that were down that were blocking roads or footpaths from Holywood, Bangor, Donaghadee. I know of some power/phone lines that were also down, and also street signs that had been damaged. I would particularly point out the good work that the Coast guard and fire service did to close of The Parade and Shore Street in Donaghadee as the tide was flooding the road and playpark areas. I would also praise the bravery of care workers who went out in the storms to attend to the elderly in their homes. All they services were out heroes and I want to say a big thank you to them all!