Alex Easton MLA has held a serious of meetings to try and save the Bangor Minor Injury unit and GP Ward and Bangor Hospital.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“I am deeply concerned with the South Eastern Trust decision to close these facilities on a temporary basis, as I believe they may never return if allowed to do so, and I believe this is simply smoke and mirrors by the SE Trust. I believe this is a deeply flawed and dangerous decision by the SE Trust and is the easy option for the South Eastern Trust to take. I have arranged and held a series of meeting with staff who are devastated at the news; they have my full backing in opposing this crazy decision by the SE Trust. I have also met with the Health Minister and expressed my deep concerns. I believe that the Health Minister is willing to listen to credible alternatives if they can be found. It is with this in mind I will be looking in detail at the SE Trust finances to see if an alternative can be found. I will be holding a meeting with the Chief Executive on Monday to express my anger and will be asking for a detailed explanation and requesting answers. This proposal is not acceptable and I have already joined forces with others to fight this crazy and dangerous decision by the South Eastern Trust.”