Alex Easton MLA has today expressed exasperation at Council and TNI over the ownership of a road entrance way into Crommelin Park in Donaghadee.

Speaking toady Alex Easton MLA said:

“I am starting to get very annoyed at the lack of detail by both Council and TNI over ownership of the entrance into Crommelin Park. As anyone can see this road entrance coming off Moat Street in Donaghadee is a mess and is full of dozens of pot holes some meters wide and is damaging cars using the entrance. The reality is that the site is widely used by residents taking their children to play football and it is totally unacceptable that the entrance is being left in such a bad state of disrepair, as it is clearly a right of way. I have written to the Council, TNI and even the Housing Executive all are denying responsibility despite it having a public footpath with bollards, and going into Council property’s and Housing Executive property’s nearby. I will be calling a meeting together of all three agencies and interested parties to get to the bottom of the ownership, and if it helps I will suggest a joint venture between all interested parties to try and resurface the road entrance which is not a lot of money in the scheme of things. The road needs to be made safe, made to look better and deliver a better experience for parents bringing their children into Crommelin Park to play sports.”
