Alex Easton MLA is today calling on the Housing Executive, Department of Infrastructure and Council to come together to look at creating a proper pathway at Ballymacruise in Millisle.
Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:
“This lane-way is basically an overgrown dirt pathway that would have been used by the local farmer. Today it is not used at all and is used to walk along by residents. Unfortunately, it is also used to dump things and is often in a mess, and alongside it is overgrown it is a shame that something could be done for the residents living in and around Ballymacruise. I believe a multi-agency approach is a potential way to create a proper path along this lane which could also have a bin it would mean the residents could have a lovely walkway and it would discourage dumping. I would call on the Housing Executive, Department of Infrastructure and Council to look at a multi-agency approach to explore the possibility of creating a proper path for the residents.”