Alex Easton MLA has been approached by a member of the volunteer Coastguard in Bangor to see if a tribute can be arranged through Ards and North Down Council to remember the loss of four crew members of the Irish Coast Guard who lost their lives in a helicopter accident.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“I have been approached about this by Ryan Gray a volunteer Coastguard in Bangor, and we believe it would be appropriate for the Council to look at doing a flower arrangement at the Bangor Post Office flower bed, and to also maybe change the colour of the New Street Lighting to Red and Blue for two evenings which is the Coast Guard colours, to remember the sacrifice of these four member as of the Irish Coast Guard have made. It is my understanding that these four crew members have saved many lives from right across the community in Northern Ireland and I believe this would be a fitting tribute to their memory. I have written to the Council about these two suggestions and hope this would be a possibility.”
