Alex Easton MLA has today called for a Muga Pitch to be built for Conlig at the NI Water land.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said;

“There is no doubt there is a gap in facilities for young people to have something to do in Conlig. While there is a Play Park, which only caters for the youngest of children there is little for older teenagers. In order to close that gap between our younger people, a Muga Pitches should be looked at and cost and built by the Council for our young people to have a place to go in an enclosed Muga facility, and give the young people a focus and a place to go with their friends to play football or Basketball in a secure environment in a location that is agreeable to the residents of the area. I can only hope that the council look at this idea and that proposal can be brought to Council and taken forward.”

“Far too often the Council cater for the youngest of our children and not on doing something for the older children, I think Conlig is a classic example of this where the older kids don’t have anything to do and I think it is time for Council to take this into consideration when providing facility’s for the future.”

“The perfect site is at the land owned by NI Water and if Council would only approach them to see if they would allow the Council to use the site as it is just sitting there without any use for the local community.”
